Private courses or Small groups

DELE: Spanish as a Foreign Language Certifications

Our teachers are accredited to prepare for the DELE (General Spanish) exams, to certify your level of Spanish (A1-C2), in the general or specialized language.

We prepare you for the written and oral exams, with exam material and mock tests.

We give you the tools and strategies to pass the exam

The courses offer a combination of videoconference hours defined according to your level and objectives. To get the most out of the course, the online hours are accompanied by exercises and activities that each student must complete independently.

Prépa- Spanish LV1 – LV2

Prépa- Spanish LV1 – LV2

We help you to prepare for the different Spanish tests (LV1 and LV2) in order to access to the Grandes Écoles: Essai – Thème-Version-Grammar.

The courses offer a combination of videoconference hours defined according to your level and your objectives. To get the most out of the courses, the online hours are accompanied by exercises and activities to be completed independently.

The courses are taught by certified teachers (CAPES / Agrégation), with experience in language teaching and a perfect knowledge of the different exam papers.

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Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, our friendly team is here to help.​
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